Thursday, March 27, 2008


I read this story late last night, and decided to call my grandma who literally lives minutes from LAX. So I gave her a call and see if she heard it. Turns out it was about 7 miles away from her, and she didn't even hear it. I just find it so interesting how when I read it the first time it said "Explosion Rocks LA". Yeah, I'm sure most of LA didn't even hear it. And probably compared to the huge guns we hear all the time it wasn't anything. Sometimes I really miss living in Southern California. But my reasons for not wanting to live there outweigh the ones why I would want to live there. I'll be back later today with some actually interesting stuff to post about. At least I hope. We'll see how my day goes.....

1 comment:

Piouette said...

My friend called me from Illinois to let me know the Monte Carlo was on fire downtown back in February (and I could see it from my window if I looked). Olivia called me from France to ask if we were OK when the Twin Towers got ran into in 2001 and we lived in Kentucky, we had just returned from getting some groceries and had no clue anything important had happened. Go figure, news travels fast and the locals don't know until after the fact!