I think about what I want to post about all day while I don't have the computer. When I finally get to sit down and start to type, I come up with nothing. So, this is what you're going to get today. I had a very busy yet very random day. I also wanted to post a picture, but blogger is having some issues with that tonight. One thing I found out today is that something that I have been dealing with is completely normal, and that I'm not as strange as I thought I was. Another thing that I learned today is that even though some people need help to feed their family, and need someone to take them to get that food, the wife is sporting acrylic nails, they have cable, and she is willing to drive their car that has expired plates for over a year, to run to Target to run some errands while her husband gets a ride to get the food to feed their family. Also that there is a new (to me) female detective on the original Law and Order. I kind of like her. I also like Sam Waterston. I also forgot to call and get a doctors appointment for me as I have had a physical ailment for over a week that isn't getting better. I hate going to the doctor. And with my luck, by the time I get in, it won't be happening anymore.
Hopefully tomorrow I won't be so busy so that when my computer comes home from school and is done studying, I will have a brilliant, cohesive post (with pictures) to delight your eyes with. (I'm dazzling you with my amazing vocabulary to make up for the fact that this is a really lame post.)
And I have to say that I love when I click the spell check button, usually only the names come up yellow. I love words that are spelled correctly. Now, correctly constructing a sentence is sometimes too far out of my reach. Probably why I never would get A's on essays in high school......
Annotated Doctrine and Covenants, 10 – 19
21 hours ago
this post just totally made me smile. very TJ.
I gave up on brilliant posts a long time ago.
I also gave up on "correctly constructing a sentence" when I first started blogging. There are definite writers out there who are bloggers. That ain't me!
LOL Cute post. I have days like that.
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