OK, so I usually don't watch any TV shows on a regular basis. But now that I have DVR (which I love) I can record shows, and then watch them whenever I want!!
So, here is the confession: I love Dancing with the Stars. I know, you think I'm crazy. I first started watching it when we were in Germany. Matt was gone on the weekends, and to keep me from losing my mind being at home by myself with two small children, we would watch it, and I would dance around our living room with my kids. The best part of it was that by the time it got to AFN (armed forces network, the only TV we had in Germany unless we paid an arm and a leg for cable) it was Saturday night, and I could watch both shows, one after the other. None of this waiting until the next night business. Last year, we moved in the middle of it, and I only got to see bits and pieces. This year, I missed the first few, but I'm catching up now.
Another part of my confession: my mom never put me into any type of dance class. Shocked?? Surprised?? Or maybe you know me and my total lack of coordination. Having an inseam of 36 inches makes for really long legs, and difficulty getting them anywhere terribly fast. (although I can out walk many people.....) So, since I discovered ballroom type dancing, I have loved it. As a kid, I would watch my parents dance at wedding receptions, and see how much fun they would have. They would dance at my dad's work parties (we didn't get to go). My dad had to chaperon some of our youth dances at church, and I would go and get him to dance with instead of dance with some dumb 17 year old that would step on my feet (hard to miss them, they are pretty big) and not have any idea what he was doing. My dad would just fling me around, and I loved it. In a perfect world, Matt would have time to take a ballroom dancing class with me, and we would have a babysitter for it every week. And we would practice. I keep hoping that someday that will happen. My husband could do it, too. I have seen him dance on stage when he would perform in Germany.
Tonight on the show, a very good dancer was voted off. Kind of sad. Marie Osmond is still there. A little shocking to me, because her dance last night was a little odd to me. I could tell that she tried though. And Jane Seymour is still on it too. Her jive was a little odd too. I have to say that I love Mel B, the Spice Girl, and I really like Jennie Garth. Maybe because I feel like I know her having watched Beverly Hills 90210 as a teenager. Anyway, even if you don't care about the voting or who wins or loses, it is a way fun show to watch. The music is good, and they have gotten some pretty great performers to star on the results show. Tonight was Barry Manilow. I grew up listening to his music. His closeups look odd. He should have more wrinkles, and less Botox. But he still sounds pretty good.
I was tagged by Jen, but this tag requires some thought. So hopefully tomorrow night I will have something more for you rather than this shallow post..
Annotated Doctrine and Covenants, 10 – 19
6 hours ago