My best friend I have known since we were about 8. I moved into the church that she was going to, and our parents kind of were friends too.
We lived in different school districts, but we still stayed friends. She moved and lived in a different ward in the same city. Then she moved to a far away city, but I still managed to visit and spend the night there. She moved back sometime in Jr. High or so. Our freshman year of high school was a crazy year. We were going to church dances, to the youth conferences at church, boys were becoming a big thing. We would talk on the phone about all kinds of stuff. I moved into a different house, and we weren't in the same ward anymore, but that didn't seem to matter much. We were still hanging out. My first boyfriend was a good friend of hers. She got her license first, and boy did we have fun with that. I would always spend the night at her house. We would teepee boys rooms that we liked. She had a boyfriend and while she was on the phone with him she would give me the phone and I would start to talk to him and he had no idea. I would even call her house and her mom would think that I was her. For our Senior trip she and I and her cousin went to Santa Barbara for the weekend. She became friends with my friends and vice versa. She got a job at a restaurant, and I applied and got a job too. When she went away to college, I went to visit her. When she would come home, I would be over at her house.
I decided to go on a mission for our church. It just killed her that I was going to be gone for so long. While I was gone, she got married, and I am still sad that I wasn't there. I came home, and when I got married she was there. We emailed, and called when we could. My grandma died and she came to the funeral and then drove up to the cematary with me. I got pregnant, and Matt went to basic training for the last few months of my pregnancy. She arranged her work so that she would be near by so that I wouldn't have to deliver without someone there. (she had recently gotten pregnant and was so sick that the day I delivered she was in the ER getting an IV)
I was in her area when she gave birth to her oldest. Shortly after, I left for Germany for two and a half years. When I found out that I was pregnant with Lucy, it was very hard. I didn't want to be pregnant at that time, and I just cried to her on the phone. Two weeks later I got a midnight phone call with her crying to me about the same thing. We ended up delivering our babies one day apart in two different countries. While I was in Germany we talked often, and emailed often. She sent me packages, and I sent her stuff too.
This past February my grandpa passed away. I called her up and said "well, I'll be in California for two weeks, can you come down??" I hadn't seen her in almost 3 years. I'd never met her youngest and she hadn't met mine either.
We've cried together, vented to each other, traded potty training idea's and parenting ideas. Once I threw her a "surprise" birthday party when she turned 15 or 16. I can't remember. And boy did I get in trouble from her mom when she had found out that she had known about it all along. Its funny how we are still friends and our lives been in many ways parallel, but in so many other ways completely different.
Not sure why I'm writing about this tonight, but it just seemed like a good idea. You know who you are. Up for 20 plus more years of this??
Annotated Doctrine and Covenants, 10 – 19
21 hours ago
you forgot to mention that you still think it is funny that I cry so much. Like I am right now.
And yes, I am up for another 20 years. Especially if you'll go to singles dances with me!
I mean, you were talking about me, right?
um, did anyone else have a baby the day after me that i know????
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