I am a horrible goal keeper. I start out trying to accomplish something consistently, and I do ok for a little while, and then a small road block shows up, and everything comes crashing down. So, since I find it easier to make goals and focus on them when I have someone to account to, I am going to account to my blog. And all four of you that read this.
I also have found that I get overwhelmed quite easily, and so I'm going to start out with just a few things so that my head doesn't explode while I'm trying to do a million things. (I'm also not very nice to my kids when I try to do too much, so we want to avoid that too...)
1. Stick to the chores that I already have for each day of the week, and also add something small to each day. With a focus on decluttering my house, and getting ready to move in a few months.
2. Go to bed before midnight and get up before or by 7.
3. Exercise everyday.
4. Read my scriptures in French, and also focus more on my spirituality.
These may seem very simplistic, but getting to bed before midnight is so hard for me. I get little to no time without children around me, so that quiet and the opportunity for me to watch my shows and to do something I enjoy kind of takes over everything else. I am doing pretty good exercising, but I get lazy. I am determined to lose at least five of the pounds I gained once my teeth got fixed. I haven't been reading my scriptures at all, and I also haven't been working on my French like I should, so I can combine the two with the last one. Housekeeping is what I am the absolute worst at. I grew up with a mother that I felt cared more about how the kitchen and the bathroom looked than a lot of other things that were way more important. (I'll have to write a post someday about my thoughts on housekeeping) So, instead of following in her footsteps, I do the exact opposite. Its not that I don't want a clean house, I'm just not always willing to put forth the effort it requires. I find myself yelling more, and irritated more when people mess it up. So, why do all that effort just to get upset??? But I have to work on that too.
I am hoping to check back in weekly, so that I (hopefully) will be able to see some progress. And not that any of you actually care, because all of you are working on your own things, but at least I know someone else is reading, and hopefully that thought alone in my head will push me to accomplish all of these things. And if you struggle with these things too, then you know that you aren't the only one that has a hard time.
Annotated Doctrine and Covenants, 10 – 19
6 hours ago