Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Back in Time

This was me right before I turned 21. I love these pictures of myself. These were taken a few months before I left on my mission. This one is Matt's favorite. He doesn't like the other ones because he says I look sad. He likes me smiling.
I think I look great. I scanned these pictures into the computer, so they probably don't look as good as they could. I love my hair in these pictures. It was so much thicker then, and of course longer. Matt loves my hair long, but he's not the one that has to wash, dry and then make it look nice everyday.
Another reason why I love these pictures is that for the first time in my life I felt really beautiful. Jr. High and H. S. were not times of my life where I looked fabulous at any point. Especially in Jr. High. I started sixth grade five foot two. I left 8th grade five foot ten. By the time I graduated from H.S. I was the height that I am now. Just under six foot.
These pictures help me to remember that first time when I felt beautiful inside and out. I felt like I had finally gotten to that point where I knew what I wanted, I felt independent, and I felt very adult. Just what every teenager waits for right??
I just thought I would share a few pictures of myself. Usually all the pictures I post are of my kids or an inanimate object. I would like to do this for my daughter when she gets about this age. Help her to remember how she looked, but also how she felt, and that it only gets better from that point....
Cause it has....


Shelly! said...

Wow - what a flashback.

I think you look incredible then, and incredible now.

I feel so lucky to be witness to all of the transformations inbetween.

LeeElle said...

nice pictures. Were they taken at the temple?

TJ said...

how did you know?? you are so smart....

An Ordinary Mom said...

Gorgeous pictures! I am glad you shared them. I left junior high school at 5'10" and that is where I am now. I love being tall :) !!

Where these pictures by chance taken at the LA Temple grounds? Those benches look so familiar!

wendy said...

You are beautiful!

I started junior high at 5 foot even. I finished up at the height I am now: almost 5'2". waaaaaa!

Vanessa and Rebecca said...

jealous jealous jealous. 5'10 in jh?! jealous jealous that was my dream height, the one I aspired to being. I only made it to 5'5". you pictures are beautiful.

TJ said...

an ordinary mom: yup, at the LA temple. the only problem was that people kept walking by and saying things like "you're missing someone" or something lame like that. i wanted to yell really loudly "i'm going on a mission!!!!! leave me alone!!!!!" obviously i didn't.