So, I'm realizing that I don't have the whitest teeth. I bought Crest white strips, but I put one on my top teeth and thought I might start to gag. Not a big fan of non food items in my mouth. I could try again, and just gag my way through it, but I thought some of you might have a few suggestions for me. I know I could just go to a dentist and have him do it. I'm looking for less expensive ways of getting that same result, or at least close to it. And really, I just don't have very good teeth. At least on top. Thank you orthodontist for putting a pallet expander up there which destroyed any enamel I might have had. Sometimes I wish they would have just pulled two teeth. Would have saved me a lot of torture during those crucial high school years.........
I think Rembrandt has something you can paint on your teeth to help.
I've done tooth whitening trays from my dentist, and they were OK, except that the chemical in them burned my gums. You are supposed to do 1 hour every day for 10 days, and by the second day my gums were fried.
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