Friday, April 20, 2007

I won

I love Old Navy. They were great when I was in Germany and I could shop online from them, and get really good deals on things. I also noticed when I started looking at their website, they often have contests, where you can enter once a day with your email address, and they'll let you know if you win. Sometimes they have a game that you play, but of course in the past, I never have won. Well, right now they have a little game thing that you can play, the grand prize being $5000 or something like that. Not really sure. Anyway, I went on and I played the game, and I won a $10 gift card! I don't get it for another 8-10 weeks, but hey, I don't care. Maybe I'll win again tomorrow. I doubt it, but I can always try.
So, now you know it's possible to win. I knew SOMEONE had to win sometime, just made my day that for once it was me.


Shelly! said...

You are such a winner! In fact, I think you should get a t-shirt that says 'I'm a winner'.

TJ said...

i might as well look into a mirror and tell myself "i'm ok. people like me." haha.

Shelly! said...

Admit it, you do that already!

Then again you could do BOTH and that would make you so super-awesome!

LeeElle said...

hooray! And just in time for my birthday;)