So this morning, Matt mentioned that we could take the kids to the pool this afternoon. So, I thought, I'll bust out my tankini I bought at the end of last summer and try it on. Um, big mistake. I don't look as good in it as I thought I did last summer. Which leaves me with two thoughts: 1-I may just send Matt with the kids to the pool. 2-I need to exercise every day so that even if I still don't look good in my suit, at least I'll feel better. Anyone else having swimsuit anxiety???
Get a Land's End suit.
i might just invest into a swim skirt from there, or go and find me some solid board shorts. the ones i have don't match my suit, but as my husband so eloquently said "honey, its not a fashion show" so i wore them anyway.
endless bathing suit anxiety...
I'm sure you look great - don't worry even if you aren't perfect in your suit, there are a lot of other LARGE people out there in regular bikini's and people will be gawking at them, not at you all sexy-like in your tankini :)
Oh, yes. Yes yes yes.
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