Wednesday, April 30, 2008
As many positive things I can think of
1~My husband really loves me
2~I love him
3~I have a decent house to live in
4~I have healthy and very cute kids
5~We always seem to have more than what we need
6~I have a nice car to drive around
7~I've made a few friends since moving here
8~I've been able to live in France and Germany
9~I am pretty independent
10~I'm doing MUCH better at being motivated to clean my house
11~I'm reading my scriptures almost every day
12~We have free long distance on our landline
13~And wireless internet
14~My kids know what the Eiffel Tower is and want to go to see it.
15~I have friends all over the US
16~My husband will eat almost anything I make for dinner, even if it doesn't taste all that great
17~I have a great sister
18~Matt rides his bike to work so that I can have the car
19~I have enough books to read to last me about three months
20~I love my DVR
21~The Gap has saved me from looking like I'm waiting for a flood
22~My kids CAN but don't always play nicely together
23~I can talk and talk about pretty much anything
24~Online shopping is one of my favorite things to do
25~I love my garlic press
26~I don't mind watching other peoples kids
27~I am always trying to be a better me
28~I love baking
29~I love trying new recipes (I just got a new Rachel Ray book!)
30~You can always count on me to have a treat
Ok, going to have to stop at 30 because I can't sit at the computer for the rest of the day.
SO interesting
Next, I saw this article today. I thought it was fascinating. I had no idea they were still looking for these people. I'm currently reading a book called Those who save us by Jenna Blum. Which is about the same time period. I had to make myself put it down so that I could get to sleep!! I don't want to stop reading it. But it is NOT a G rated book. I'll let you know how I like it when I get done.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Perils of Primary
Sunday, April 27, 2008
REALLY close to home
Saturday, April 26, 2008
SO different
I had written this whole post about something, but I just deleted it because it sounded dumb. I'll paraphrase it:
Every one of us is so darn different. I wish instead of judging and putting down those differences that we could do our best to understand them. But how difficult it is for me, who was brought up with someone who was very judging and now it is so natural, to change that, to get past it, and just accept people. I hate it. I'll need to live for a REALLY long time to be able to rid myself of this bad habit and be completely changed. I sometimes wish some things in this world could be done just as quickly as Mary Poppins tidied the nursery. I need some magic snapping fingers. Unfortunately, singing "A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down" over and over doesn't do the trick. I've tried it. (mostly because that is Lucy's current favorite movie. She gets excited when Mary Poppins shows up, and then cries at the end EVERY time when she leaves because she doesn't want Mary Poppins to go. A couple times I almost cried with her. Anyone know where I can find her??)
And this is mostly referring to the military world versus the civilian world. It is amazing to me just how different it is.....
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Finding my way
At Ross, I found this gem:
About eight months ago, Matt came home from Walmart with this:
So, that is how I make cleaning a little more fun. I find things that are cute, with lost of color, and use them in my house. Granted, Matt got me the vacuum, but I've gotten everything else. Cleaning still isn't that fun for me, but it is much easier with fabulous smelling cleaning products and a fun broom to use.
I just don't wanna
1~I have to do it inside my house and sometimes that sucks
2~Sometimes I kick my kids while I do it
3~My kids are getting up at 0630 and that is before I get up
4~I'm bored with it
5~We've been having a lot of rain which means gray skies and little sun.
6~I need lots of sun to function (I know this because of living in two countries where I almost stopped functioning and went into a depression because of the lack of sun.)
7~It takes so much effort to do it with two small kids and I'm getting a big tired of that.
8~Walking to the track with them is torture because I'm either pushing 80 pounds of kids, or trying to get them to keep up with me
9~At the time I want to exercise the two neighborhood centers closest are full of exercising women which means no space for me.
10~For some reason Matt won't stay home until 0930 so that I can exercise and take a shower. Wonder why....
I do like it, but the effort to do it is almost the same effort I make to exercise. I did just get a new Billy Blanks Taebo DVD. I did it yesterday, but I tell you, I just am not coordinated enough. I'll have to do it every day for more than a week to really get it down. Luckily, this one is longer than my other ones. I know people that are addicted to it, that love the endorphins from exercising. I just don't feel any of that. Even after playing a basketball game. So, maybe I'll take the rest of the week off and start fresh on Monday. I really think it has a lot to do with the lack of sun right now. And we're not supposed to get any until tomorrow. And then not again for a few more days. Sigh....
So, I'm going to start again on Monday, and hopefully it will be better. And I think I'll make cookies today to wallow in my lack of exercising. Yum.
Update: My friend Rachel read my post today (after she had called and asked if i wanted to go with her to her neighborhood center and exercise. which I ended up doing) and did the exact opposite of my post. You can read it here.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
What I want to tell everyone in my address book
If any of you are in my address book, please take note. But I think most of you that read this blog don't send me forwards. So, I hope you're not "offended". And I am DYING to really send this. If I could open up my inbox and not see another forward, no matter how funny, or touching or true, I would be just fine. There are exceptions, but very very very few. Sigh....just in my dreams would that happen......
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Mary Poppins
Friday, April 18, 2008
So Brave
What I'm surprised at, is that I've been taking Andrew to school for at least two months now, and not one person has talked to me. Not one. And we are at that school, five days a week, two times a day. And no one says a word to me. There are mom's that talk. But either they knew each other before, are neighbors or something. Admittedly, after watching these other moms for two months, there are a few that I don't mind not talking to. But there are a few that I wouldn't mind at least chatting with at the school.
So, I've got to decide whether or not to try it again. Or wait until Andrew starts talking about another kid in the class and then introducing myself to them. School gets out beginning of June, so there really isn't that much time left.
When I introduced myself, I told this other mom that when we picked the kids up, I would have paper that we could write our info on. When I came back, I had written "Andrew's mom" on it just in case she didn't remember who I was. She said, "oh I would remember. I don't talk to anyone." I thought that was so sad. I feel very lucky to have my church every where I go. And that there, usually I will find at least one friend, if not lots lots more.
Back to being brave, well, we'll see if it happens again. But at least I did it once. So the next time will be even easier than the first time. I've never been terribly shy....
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Your mom is your friend???? Then who is your mom?
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
We have never had a full length mirror in our house. I've wanted one, but finding a place for it, and we move a lot doesn't really make it an easy thing. So, I rarely see myself from head to toe. The mirror in my little changing room was odd, so I walked out to look at the big one. And I saw what others see on a regular basis. It was kind of a shock. I have struggled a lot of my life with being unhappy about how I look. I also didn't dress well for most of my life (for many reasons, which I won't go into) and I never really knew how to do my hair or put on the right makeup. I just turned 30, and I'm just now learning how to do that stuff. So, now, I have learned how to put on makeup, I've learned how to dress my way too long legs and short torso, I've learned how to do my hair. It was amazing to look in that mirror. That was why I was shocked.
I am not as rolly around my middle as I thought I was. I am also not as large as I thought I was (I think the dark wash capri's helped that one). And my face and hair looked really good. Since that night, I have walked with more confidence. And I feel better about how I look. Even if I don't put on makeup or do my hair. Even when I'm getting in the shower and I see myself in the mirror without my clothes on. It hasn't been so hard to look at.
The hard part of this is that people in the past would ask me if I had lost more weight, or that I looked so skinny (I had a friend call me up and ask me if I wanted a pair of her pants that were too long. I asked what size and she said 2. What??? I don't think I ever wore a size 2. I am a good size 10, and should never wear a size 2) or just whatever people say that you just don't believe. I got so tired of that because they couldn't see me naked and see all my flaws. And when people couldn't believe I was a size 10 I would have to point out the fact that I am SIX FEET TALL. I weigh around 150 pounds. I have weighed 135 pounds at this height, and I was literally a sack of bones with some skin. I looked sick. (I kind of was, but that will have to wait for another post)
So, just that quick look in the mirror has really changed how I see myself every day. I don't want to go back to what I felt before. I want to keep going down the path of self discovery. I like it. I don't want to be old and unhappy and upset. I want to be old, happy, still working on being a better me.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Kind of long
Saturday, April 12, 2008
This is not us
So Cal freeways
Friday, April 11, 2008
I finally have enough reusable grocery bags and the last two times I've gone to the store I've used my bags. So exciting! I just wish I saw others doing the same thing. So far, I have yet to see anyone with them. The hard part is remembering to put them back in the car, AND remembering to take them in with me. Luckily last night I remembered them as I had just walked in the door, so I could run back out and get them.
I love recycling. And because I'm so consistent with it, even though Matt forgot to put out the trash last week, we still have plenty of room in our trash can. And I saw it soon enough to put out the recycling. That bin is always overflowing.
I am using a product called Seventh Generation. They sell it at our commissary, and about each month, or as things run out, I'm switching them for Seventh Generation. I use their dishwasher detergent, their All purpose cleaner, and their dish soap. And yesterday, since we are on our last roll of paper towels, I bought the Seventh Generation brand. A little more expensive, but I think it is a better idea to get those.
I know I already posted about Mrs. Meyers Clean Day, but really, they are so awesome. I love using it, it is better for the earth, and I am cleaning more often because I love the smell. And I love the fact that I'm not supporting all those other companies.
I make a point to walk Andrew to school. We live so close, it is pointless to drive unless I have plans to go somewhere right after he goes to school. Matt often rides his bike to work, not because of not wanting to pollute, but because we only have the one car. But there are days when he rides his bike, and I don't use the car all day. I try to make one tank of gas go as far as I can.
I have also been trying to not waste so much food. My sister gave me this good idea to take your ground meat and separating it into balls that are equal in size. That way you aren't using so much meat. For us, a pound and a half of ground beef is WAY too much, and sometimes I can only get it in that size at the store. So, I've done it the last few times, and we waste very little, if any. And when they have free range meat, I buy it. Which isn't too often. And I want to go to the Farmers Market and get our veggies.
I have been buying more organic or better for us foods too. Honestly, they taste much better than their non organic/natural counterparts. They really do. Cascadian Farms granola bars are far and beyond better than any Quaker Oat granola bar. And we are eating Annie's Cheddar Bunnies instead of Goldfish. (by the way, we don't pay that much for them. at our commissary they are only $1.89 for that same box.) Back to Nature makes really good mac and cheese and Fruit and Grain bars. A lot of this I can get for much less at my commissary that most of you can at your local Whole Foods or other natural store. So I know I'm lucky. I've also done this slowly. And I buy a whole bunch when they are on sale.
I have also switched out some of my personal products. Avalon Organics makes the BEST shave cream I have ever used. My legs have never looked so good. It is pretty expensive in a regular store (around $6 when I've seen it) but only $4.19 at my commissary. So, still more than a regular shaving cream, but SO worth it because I nick myself less, the skin on my legs is much healthier and softer, and this cream actually stays on your legs. Lots of times there will still be some on my legs when I get out of the shower if I don't make sure to rinse it off. Also, I've been using Natures Gate lotion. Again, I do not pay that much. I think it was $3.50 when I bought it. Maybe $4, but still that is much less than what it goes for in a regular store. I've also bought, but haven't used yet, their face soap and scrub. I'm almost out of what I had before, so I thought I would try something different. I'm pretty sure I'll like it if it is anything like their lotion.
My sister introduced me to Herbs for Kids. She uses a few of their products. The one that we both LOVE is their herbal throat spray. This isn't sold at my commissary, but I did find a website (which I have no idea where it is now) where I could get it for $5.99 a bottle, but I would have to buy $30 of it to get it at that price. So I ended up buying 6 of them (if it would have been an even $6 I wouldn't have had to!!!) but we've gone through at least 3 of them. My kids love it, it helps their throats to feel better, especially in allergy season. Matt and I have both used it several times. He even kept one by his bed for a few nights. It works much better than any throat spray we've gotten at a pharmacy. When we get to our last bottle, I'll be buying more. There are always allergies to deal with (especially as we move a lot and always something new to deal with) and so it is worth it to me.
My kids eat their greens pretty well (they'll eat spinach and broccoli with big grins on their faces) but there are times when they don't get their greens. Like when we live in hotels for weeks on end. Or when we're traveling. Or when they are sick and aren't eating too well. Or sometimes I just don't make them. I bought these KidGreenz chewables that have broccoli, spinach, and other green foods, like spirulina and algae. For some reason, my kids love to take vitamins, and they love these ones. They don't get them every day, or even every week. But I'm glad I have them.
Gosh, this is long. If you've made it this far, I hope that I've helped you a bit. Maybe you didn't know about some of these products. And the last few aren't really organic, but they are better to use than filling our bodies up with yucky stuff. And I'm not completely organic. But I do what I can so that we can treat our bodies better and our earth better. I wish I could do more about things like composting and having a garden. But we have been moving so often, and living on a military post doesn't always allow me to do gardening or composting. But I still hope to do it someday. The next thing I want to try is natural toothpaste. I know you can make it, but maybe I'll just buy it to try it the first time. Does anyone have any recipes? :)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I was going to....
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Book and Movie reviews
Last night we watched Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium. Uh, no. Natalie Portman at the end was a little strange. Jason Bateman was very good, but Dustin Hoffman was no where near as good as he was when he was Hook. The kids kind of liked it, but we for sure will not be buying it. The plot was kind of lame, and silly. I would not recommend seeing this one. Good thing we didn't buy it.
It's late, and I don't want to link anything, so there you are. If you really want the book or movie, I'm sure you all know how to use google...:)
Story link
Sunday, April 6, 2008
So many things.....
Not really planned this way, but I got my hair cut on my birthday. And my eyebrows done. I always love how they style my hair. Doing it on my own is always a huge challenge as I never really learned how to do my own hair. I am always having to ask my friends that are in the know (as in they went to cosmetology school and know this stuff) for help and direction. I learned for the first time 18 months ago how to put on makeup properly. For this haircut, I asked a friend from San Antonio and she had a lot of thoughts on my new haircut. So, until I've figured out how to do it (and my new hair stuff gets here from amazon) there will not be any pictures of my new hair.
Matt and I went out Friday night for our birthdays. We tried a "Mexican" restaurant that I had seen. Matt liked the salsa, but I wasn't sold on it. Since we didn't really have a specific plan, we decided to go to the mall that was right next to the restaurant. I haven't been in an American mall for a long time. The last time was over a year ago in Dallas with a friend, and before that I can't even tell you when it was. Possibly it was at the outlets in Ontario CA, but I can't be sure. I have decided that I do not like malls. I'm sure since it was a Friday night, there were more strange people out than a normal day at the mall. My reasons are: Lame stores, too many people, high prices, and this mall did not have a bookstore in it. What kind of mall doesn't have a bookstore? We also saw a guy in there with so much "bling" that I had to make an effort to not stare. I mean really. Do we need five chunky silver chains with huge medallions on it to be cool? Also, some guys that were wearing black socks that went halfway up their calf, but then also had on ankle socks that were white. I thought the style of wearing different colored socks went out with the mid 90's. And I have never ever seen a kiosk in the mall with huge guns behind glass. They may not have been actual rifles, but really, you would NEVER see that in California. I don't think we'll be going back to the mall ever. If I did, it would only be for the Gap store they have there. Sometimes the store markdowns are better than the ones online. So, next date, no mall. I'll try and get him to go to Barnes and Noble for a few hours. :)
This weekend was our churches semi annual General Conference. Which I like for a few reasons. We don't have to get up early and go to church on Sunday. I can stay in my jammies all day Sunday. I get to cross stitch for hours as I listen to it. In Texas we were able to watch it on TV, but here the cable company didn't have it. So, this year we listened to it (and watched when Matt wasn't moving everything to our external hard drive) on the computer. Matt had recently gotten some new speakers, so we could hear it very well. I always enjoy conference. I always have a lot to chew on afterwards.
I had a very disturbing dream last night about my calling at church. I was supposed to teach a new song, but I wasn't prepared, and I can't really remember the rest, but it sure was not a good dream. I wouldn't categorize it as a nightmare, but I sure hated how I felt in the dream. Maybe somehow someone is trying to tell me I need to be more prepared.......
Andrew also had a scary dream last night. He told us about it several times today, and exactly the same every time. There was a steep hill, and they ran up the hill, but they couldn't get down. Somehow Lucy had died in his dream, and he was crying in his dream. He was even a little worried about going to sleep tonight because he didn't want to have a dream like that again. So, he said a prayer before going to bed that he wouldn't have a dream like that again, and that he would have good dreams. He actually came and slept with me last night at some point, and then went back to bed a few hours later. All on his own, I didn't have to kick him out like I usually do.:) So, hopefully he will wake up with a good dream in the morning.
Also, I got a very sad email on my birthday. A companion from my mission had emailed me a link to an obituary. Someone we had served with. It didn't state his cause of death, but he was only 28 when he died. So sad. He was a good guy, even if he was irritatingly positive all the time. I wish I could have gone to his funeral. So sad. He did not leave behind a wife or children.
So, lots of random thoughts here. Maybe I'll get to bed earlier from now on so that I can blog in the mornings before my kids are up.... Well, since it is 11:26 as I write this, I doubt I'll be starting that tomorrow. But maybe the next night I can.....
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Something good to read
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Some links for you
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Dancing and Le Bon Fromage
So, I love cheese. All different kinds. Right now, in my cheese drawer I have some Boursin (which I'm eating right now), Holland Gouda, Smoked Gouda, BabyBel red cheeses, string cheese, two kinds of goat cheese (my favorite pizza is goat cheese pizza with the huge slices of goat cheese on it with just a sprinkling of mozzarella or Gruyere cheese), blocks of mozzarella and cheddar, and a small wheel of Brie. I really like cheese. And so do my kids and my husband. The sad thing is here in podunk Fayetteville, a good baguette is hard to find. You know, crispy on the outside, nice and soft on the inside. In France and Germany, you will see people touching and squeezing their baguettes to see how crispy they are. Unless you go into the bakery and they just hand it to you. People are very picky about their bread.
When I married my husband and he saw me buying baguettes and cheese from Trader Joe's, he thought I was crazy. Until he had some. Now, if I don't eat it soon enough, my cheese is gone, as is the good bread. When we were in Germany we ate good cheese all the time. When we would go to France, we would literally only eat bread, cheese and french ham (which is SO much better than American ham) for almost every meal. We would get sliced Gouda, and some good yummy. I also love babybels with tuna and a baguette. I just like good cheese. I wish our commissary carried more cheese. They actually have a decent selection, but I'm so used to paying French or German prices for things that when I see how much a small slice of Gruyere is, I just want to laugh. In France we get bags of that stuff shredded and it costs hardly anything. My brother and I both love raclette too. My sisters and I bought him a raclette for his wedding, now he just has to find the cheese to go with it. And since he is exactly like my dad, getting him to put out the money for it is going to be hard. OK, so it is expensive, but if you really want it... (note that the two links for raclette are different because the cheese and the doohickey that you cook it on are both called the same thing!!)
Why am I talking about cheese? I don't know. Because I like it, and I think most Americans don't eat much more than cheddar and mozzarella regularly. It is good to try something different. I would highly suggest smoked Gouda. OH SO GOOD!! On some good crackers, or if you have some decent bread.
So, try some new cheese the next time you go to the store. Babybels are a good start. Not too strong. But goat cheese can be really strong (when I was in France some people took us to a farm to eat and you could go and see the goats that made the cheese you were eating. the male goat smelled like the cheese before you even went into his little pen.), so you might want to work up to that. And it can be expensive, but for us cheese people, it's worth the extra money.