The end of my life in Germany came last October. I was dreading and dreading that day. I wanted to live there forever. OK, maybe not living above neighbors that would wake us up at 2am with way too loud music or that would leave a cup of beer sitting on the inside part of our mailboxes. But what our life was there...
We lived in Heidelberg, a beautiful, old city. We were about an hour or so from the border to France on our west. Two hours or so south, we would be in Switzerland. Go southeast, and you would be in Austria. Go eight hours straight east and you would be in Poland.
Matt's job was a fairly easy job for him. He sang and danced for the army. He was in the USAEUR Band and Chorus. He would go all over Germany and a few other places performing. We got paid a ton of money, or at least it seemed like it to me, because he would be gone at least once a month for more than 12 hours, and we got paid extra for him being gone. Also known as TDY money. We also got extra to alleviate the exchange rate as the Euro was worth $1.20 or so. My friends and neighbors became my family. I had several women around that were always up for a trip somewhere, be it Poland to buy pottery, France to buy pottery or for me go to the grocery store and spend 100 euros on french candy and food, or just to go downtown and get some amazing German gummies.
What I also loved was the fact that we were so far away from our families, that we weren't involved in a lot of drama and problems. It was great!! I actually prefer to live far away from my parents. And from my husbands parents. The only problem is that when they do come, its for two or more weeks straight...
My daughter was also born there, both my kids had their first birthdays there, and just a lot of good times with the kids and their friends.
I love living in Europe. I don't speak German. I can say a few words, but that's it. I wish I would have been able to take a class or two. If we go again, you can be sure I will be taking classes.
The end of that time of our lives was very painful to me. I didn't want our lives there to end. And I keep hoping that when Matt is done with school that we get sent back. Some might say that you deploy more when you are in Germany. Well, Matt is going to be a Physicians Assistant. He'll be deployed no matter where we go, and I would rather be in Germany if I have to be on my own.
I have had a hard time accepting that end in my life, which is making it hard for me to learn to like the life that I have here in Texas. It is getting better, but I will be so glad when we move at the end of the year!!!!!
For more on The End, please go to Sunday Scribblings.
Annotated Doctrine and Covenants, 10 – 19
18 hours ago
My aunt and uncle and their kids were in Germany during much of my cousins' childhood. They spent seven years there, spoke perfect German, then were reassigned stateside, to Louisiana, and now, a couple decades later, they've lost their command of German and acquired southern accents.
I can understand why coming to Texas would be hard to adjust to. We've been here (TX) three years, are NOT military, and are still adjusting.
Moving to a new place is hard. But one adapts fast. Human mind adjusts well.
Lovely area of Germany to be based, I can understand why you were reluctant to leave. Good luck with learning German if you ever get the chance, its a challenge but well worth it!
Moving is hard. Moving from the beauty of Germany to Texas, would also be hard. But the wonders of America abound, look around and you'll see them with fresh eyes.
I understand missing Germany--and I only stayed there for two weeks last summer (Stuttgart). It really is a remarkable place filled with amazing people and amazing stories. I hope your next move is at least as good!
Take care!
I enjoyed reading about life in Germany and I'm sorry that life in Texas is not as fun.
Best wishes for your next move!
Texas could not have been all that bad. i mean, my gosh, the food! and there have to be SOME friendly people who are somewhat competent, right? as wonderful as germany was, it is what you bring to the place you live that make it good. that make it fascinating. that make it home. so, here's to texas. and all the wonderful people there who are just a little better off for knowing you.
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