As you all know, my kids have been supposedly suffering from chickenpox. I took them to the doctor two weeks ago, and that is what they told me. I did not think that it was, but what did I know????? (can you catch the sarcasm???) Anyway, it has now been two weeks, and Lucy still is getting new spots everyday, and Andrew's really isn't getting any better or any worse. So, I called this morning and took them in. So, this time I got a Nurse Practioner. Not even a doctor. She looks at them, and says that she has an idea, but she is going to go and get the RESIDENT SPECIALIST for this type of thing. Just to be sure that she is right. Ok, where was this person when I was there two weeks ago???? So, now the diagnosis is that Andrew has Scabies. You may ask, well, what is that? Well, it is a parasite that gets under your skin, and then lays its eggs. It causes itchy bumps. And according to a website that I found, you can have them 4 to 6 weeks before you have any symptoms. And it is very contagious if you have extended skin to skin contact with the infected person. They aren't sure what Lucy has. It may be something that starts with an M. I can't remember because it was a really weird word. They did a culture and hopefully it will tell them something. But because Andrew has Scabies, THE WHOLE FAMILY has to be treated. And I need to wash all of our bed stuff and all of his clothes in hot water to kill the dumb thing. I would love to do that except that when I got home from the doctor MY WATER WAS TURNED OFF! Apparantly the city of San Antonio did it, not the Base. And no, they don't know when it will be back on. I am very very very irritated. Oh, and this treatment is something that we have to put on our bodies from the neck to our toes, and leave it on for 8 hours. Then we have to repeat the treatment in 6 days. They would have done a culture on Andrew, but that would involve scraping his skin with a knife til they got under the skin to make sure that there were the little buggers in there. I also found out that it is not because I am not cleaning things correctly, but because he got it from someone else that had it. I have no idea who had it because no one we know has had this type of thing. Anyway, I hope none of you ever have to do this or have to deal with doctors that think that they know it all and don't bother to consult the person that knows the most about skin disorders, rashes, etc.......
I hope all of you are having a better day. I allow myself one day to be upset about things like this. Tomorrow I will not be upset. So hopefully my next post will not be so sarcastic, mean, and just not nice.
Annotated Doctrine and Covenants, 10 – 19
21 hours ago
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