Ok, on to the next thing. I went to the store tonite for a few things. I decided to do the self checkout at our commissary as I get tired of giving my baggers tips all the time. (in commissary's the baggers work for tips, they do not work for the store.) We have four self check outs in our store. One was not working. The other 3 were taken up by people who had WAY more than 30 items. And all of them were retarded enough that they had to have help from the guy that checks ID's. And they were so slow!!! There were five people behind me and we all had less than 30 items. And I just have to mention that all of these people were over 40. Not that that has anything to do with it, (some had to have been at least 50 or 60), but I just noticed that they all had that in common.
And the last thing is that my van is back in the shop and the mechanic guy (who is this cute little asian man that I can hardly understand, but he's an honest up front guy so we really like him) isn't sure why or where the short is that is causing our battery to go out. I'm hoping Monday that he will have figured out what the problem is because now that we are a two car family there is NO GOING BACK!! Only having one car is driving me crazy.
And as an update to our flea problem, I spoke to our neighbor for a few seconds today. (she has had surgery in her mouth and throat area, so she didn't do much other than make a few sounds and nod) but that they have had a flea problem lately. Great. Well, at least I know where they are probably coming from. Matt went online tonite and bought a few different things and also looked up some natural remedies. I also bought a flea spray today, so I'm hoping that they go away very soon.
Last night I had to find us some new sheets rather quickly. We have a Cal King bed, so it isn't easy. Bed Bath and Beyond, while it is a great store, only had them in one nasty red color and they were $80. Um, no way. So after almost not finding Linens n Things, we go in there and we find some. A very nice girl helps me find a few different options, and I found some that were only $30, and weren't covered in lavender flowers or orange paisley. I personally wouldn't have had a problem with either one of those choices, but I knew Matt may not have been happy with those choices. Andrew decides that he needs to use the bathroom, and I end up waiting for the kid for 15 minutes. Why is it that men take forever to go #2??? I'm sure the store workers thought for sure that I was heading for the exit with my $30 dollar sheets. Why else would someone take so long in the bathroom?? The best part of this excursion was that we were experiencing some major thunder and lightning storms. There was lightning somewhere almost every minute. Andrew asks me why does lightning happen. I do the best I can (I never understood science in school, I think things rub together that are negative and positive and that is what causes lightning. I really have no idea) And then he asks why do they rub together? So I say that is how Heavenly Father made it. So he get it in his head that He is making the lightning every time. He starts yelling in the car at the top of his lungs "Do it again!!!" And then he says that he wants to go up in the sky with Him and see the lightning. He was cracking me up. It was fun to be with only him and have fun with watching the lightning.
This was such a long post!! If anyone does know what causes lightning, please enlighten me. And dumb it down for me. I haven't taken a science class since I was 16 years old......